Signals & Noise (Kit or Download)

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Signals & Noise (Kit or Download)


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Signals & Noise

A nautical watch hat.

SizingOne size to fit head with 51-56cm / 20-22in circumference

Pattern or Kit?
Choose "pattern only" (for single PDF / digital download) or kit (including 2 x 50g skeins of Schiehallion in your chosen colourway, a wee project bag and PDF pattern). The kit price represents a 10% discount on purchasing all these items separately.

After purchase, you will receive an email with a direct download link (to enable you to access your pattern straight away) and unique download code (to allow you to access the pattern via Ravelry, if you wish). We recommend that you download your patterns as soon as your message arrives as the link may expire after a few days. Follow the directions to pop the patterns in your Ravelry library. If you've not received your download instructions within 24 hours of placing your order, please first check any spam / social / promotions folders that may be set up on your account, then email us at